What are the new services?
Face painting, Table Football, Ping Pong, Cinema, Gonfiabilandia, Dance School, Foam Party, Mille Bolle Blu, Ginetto's Fairy Tales, Karaoke, The Magician and the Top Hat, Games Without Borders, Casino Royale, Treasure Hunt, Cooking Lab;
For adults however, we have all the new activities of the Wellness Village: zumba, martial arts, pilates, yoga, aquafitness, massages.
We then have a real nursery for the little ones, and a mini club space for up to 12 years old.
Finally, our Food&Drink news: Luverie Time, Monday of the village, Ginetto il Drinketto, Gina la Merendina, Gino lo cues, Happy hour Village for all ages and themed dinners in the garden.